Episode 48 - A Different Truth
This week's episode is actually an episode from another podcast called "A Different Truth." Samantha was a guest on this episode a couple of weeks ago and the episode originally aired May 24, 2020, which was one day before the death of George Floyd. The topic of conversation then holds as true today as it did then.
Please visit their website at ADifferentTruthPodcast.com for more episodes and conversations on this topic. If you are interested in joining the conversation, you can find opportunities for this at bethebridge.com
This week's episode is actually an episode from another podcast called "A Different Truth" hosted by Franie Robin and Nicki Bland. Samantha was a guest on this episode a couple of weeks ago and the episode originally aired May 24, 2020, which was one day before the death of George Floyd. The topic of conversation then holds as true today as it did then.
Please visit their website at ADifferentTruthPodcast.com for more episodes and conversations on this topic. If you are interested in joining the conversation, you can find opportunities for this at bethebridge.com
Please visit their website at ADifferentTruthPodcast.com for more episodes and conversations on this topic. If you are interested in joining the conversation, you can find opportunities for this at bethebridge.com